Brothers and Sisters of Cornerstone, 

Let this be recorded for a generation to come,
so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord

Psalm 102:18

Psalm 102 speaks of the God who delivers His people through great trials. The story of God’s deliverance should be written down “for a generation to come,” so that the next generation “may praise the Lord.”

The next generation, and the generations yet to come, will praise the Lord because of His grace and faithfulness. As the recipients of the great and glorious gift of salvation, we want to steward every gift He gives us, including our building and property. In September of 1990, in a basement Bible study at the Nelson home, the Lord began building what would become Cornerstone Church of Skippack. That first generation met in a basement, then at a school, then at another school, and now at our current location on Skippack Pike. God chose this location for us before we were born. It’s a strategic location, on a major road, within the reach of major school districts. What a beautiful property! What a glorious gift from God! He gives, and we receive.

The Lord is also adding to our number, and the walls can feel it. The promise-keeping God is filling His church with men and women, boys and girls. He is bringing long-time Christians and brand-new believers. He is making disciples of His Son Jesus. He is keeping our church on the mission He gave us.

That mission is, “To glorify God by making as many people as possible fully devoted disciples of Jesus.” So, we need to ask, “How do we pass the mission on to the next generation?” To discern the answer, the elders talked with ministry leaders, members, and regular attenders. We hired a pastor, and some rooms were reconfigured to meet the growing needs of our church family. An architect was contracted to help think through expanding our building to meet our needs. After many conversations and much prayer, the elders now believe it is time to seriously and prayerfully consider a building expansion.

We gather each week to praise the Lord and to pass the faith on to the next generation, “so that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord.” We now humbly ask you to join us in prayer and financial support as we consider a building expansion, to continue glorifying God and making disciples FOR A GENERATION TO COME.

Cornerstone Elders

Travis Dykes

Justin Gibides

Todd Givler

Dave Matchette

Aria Mavvaji

Brent Moyer

Steve Robertson


Important Dates

September 22

Question & Answer
After the worship service in room 1

September 29

Congregational Vote
After the worship service

Digital Downloads

Building Brochure

Pledge Card