Serving at Cornerstone
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace”
The whole church is built up as the members of the church see themselves as active participants in the work of ministry. This work of ministry happens in many ways, seen and unseen, but one major way it happens is by serving in the various ministries of the church. Below are opportunities to serve in the ministries of Cornerstone and ways to reach out to a ministry leader for more information. May the Lord build his church as the saints participate in the work of ministry.
Highlighted Service Opportunities
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry is a great place to proclaim the gospel to those who need to hear and to disciple young Christians. Serving ages: Nursery - 5th grade. Here are areas you can serve:
Sunday Mornings - 9:00am & 10:05am
Sunday Nights - Choir 4:15pm & Summit Kids 5:00pm
Other Opportunities - VBS, Easter Egg Hunt, Paint-a-long
There are a variety of ways to serve: teacher, helper, substitute, and more. We would be glad to find a good fit for you in the ministry.
Orientation and Background Checks are required to serve.
Growth Group Childcare
Growth Groups are a great way for people in our church to connect with each other outside the Sunday worship service. But being interrupted every 3 minutes by your child makes having meaningful conversations difficult.
You can help! Volunteer to care for the children of a Growth Group so that the parents can engage in the group. Your service to these moms and dads will make a tangible difference as they connect in the church.
The need for childcare is about 1-2 time per month.
Background Checks are required to serve.
Ongoing Service Opportunities
Chair Setup
Each week our dedicated team of chair setup volunteers meet early on Sunday morning to set up 400-500 chairs so that the people of God might gather to worship the savior. The theme of the chair setup team is “many hands make light work.” If you are willing to help set up chairs on Sunday morning please complete the form below.
Ushers serve the church each Sunday as they pass out bulletins, help people find seats, and give direction when someone needs it. They also monitor the halls during the worship service for the safety of the children and others.
Background clearances are required to serve as an usher.
Greeters are the first to welcome people to the church. They hold the door as you enter and greet you with a smile. The people who serve as greeters make Cornerstone feel like a place where people are welcome.
The Volleyball Ministry is focused on proclaiming the gospel of Jesus and forming relationship with people in our geographic area. This happens each Thursday night as we transform the multipurpose room for games before the “Circle Up” leader briefly explains the gospel--often in fun and engaging ways. Here is how you can serve:
Circle Up Leader
Set Up/Tear Down team
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry consistently serves the congregation by using our skills, amateur or expert. Every skill from plumbing to IT to finance and much more is a blessing to many in the congregation. If you are willing to offer your skills to those in the congregation who have need, click the button below.
Women’s Ministry
The Women-to-Women (W2W) Ministry hosts events throughout the year. We are always in need of volunteers who would enjoy preparing the event room, greeting guests as they arrive, and/or helping with cleanup. If you have the time, we’d welcome your volunteering service!
The book of Acts tells us that the early church broke bread together. Ever wonder where the bread came from? The kitchen of course! Serving in the kitchen is an opportunity to bring people together through shared meals. There are a variety of ways to serve:
After church meals
Special events
Funeral meals
Meals Ministry
The meals ministry serves the congregation by providing meals to people who need them. People who just had a baby, recently had surgery or a difficult diagnosis, had a death in the family, and much more. Making a meal might not seem like much for those who serve but it is a tremendous blessing to the people who receive them.
Opportunities Outside Cornerstone
Amnion is a local pregnancy care center. They provide women with a variety of pregnancy care services, aimed at helping women seek life. There are many ways to give and serve at Amnion, especially if you have medical training. Please email Amnion to learn more about getting involved.
YoungLives is a ministry to mom (and dads) in their teens and early 20s. Our local chapter is in Norristown. You can get involved by caring for the children while the moms and dads are in group meetings, or you can commit to being a mentor of a young mom or dad.