
October 17

2020 Budget Update

Please watch this video from Justin Gibides, on behalf of the Elders, with an update on Cornerstone's budget and giving for 2020.

August 27

Update on Greek Intern

Please watch this video update about Dimosthenis Nestorides, the greek pastoral intern that was going to be coming to the states this fall.

July 29


This coming Sunday we will remember Jesus’ death together as we take communion. Two things are new since we last took communion together. First, many of our regular congregation isn’t meeting physically together. Second, the children are staying in the church for the entire worship service. We have considered these two facts and have ways to help for people in both situations.

First, if you are not meeting physically in the building just yet but would like to participate in communion we have made a way for you to participate. On Sunday morning, a self-contained communion cup and bread will be out on a table in the foyer for you to come and pick up before the service. The church doors will be unlocked at 9:00am and you can pick up communion any time after that before our 10:30am worship service.

Second, for families with children in the service we have prepared a family study guide to help parents prepare their children for the communion time; to decide if their children should or should not take communion. You can download a copy of the guide below.

July 18

A Message From The Elders

July 3

Regarding the July 1st order from our government

Dear church family,

As we continue to assess our re-gathering plans for church, and as we continue to talk with all of you, we learn new things each week. We would ask that you continue to pray for us, as we have many decisions ahead, particularly when it comes to children’s ministry. Thanks for your encouragement and patience through this season.

We wanted to update you all regarding worship this coming Sunday, July 5th. The new order that our Governor announced on Wednesday is in effect. This is quite different from the original order regarding business re-openings, from which churches were exempt. This new order is for individual Pennsylvanians to wear masks in all indoor public situations. The order itself includes five categories of exceptions, so please be aware of that as well. To put it in perspective, as we understand it, this is similar to an individual order to wear a seatbelt while driving. Here is a link if you’d like to read it:

The specific part of the order which would relate to church gatherings is Section 2B: “any indoor location where members of the public are generally permitted.” As a church, our mission is to make disciples of all nations, so we will certainly remain open to the public. And Christians are called by Christ to be subject to the governing authorities.

Therefore, we strongly encourage you to be subject to the governing authorities on this individual order. The elders will lead the way by wearing our masks this Sunday. We are continually evaluating the situation and will update you more as we learn more.

On a final note, remember that the enemy of Christ would love to distract us. He prowls around seeking to divide us. He works hard to make us angry. He wins when we lose sight of what unites us: The good news of Jesus Christ. The good news is that the enemy has been defeated and he no longer holds any power over us. Jesus is King. So may we keep “looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Thanks and blessings,
The elders of Cornerstone Church

June 4

Helping Liberty Ministry - June 13 (9am-1pm)

Help Liberty Ministry by donating your used items on June 13 from 9am - 1pm in the church parking lot. They will accept all items except for the ones listed on the document below.

June 3

Concert of Prayer

Concert of Prayer begins at 7:00pm tonight. You are welcome to join early to talk with others before we begin our time of prayer. (We recommend using a laptop or iPad when you join the Concert of Prayer)

May 27

June 7 - Re-Gathered Worship Service
“Welcome, Love, Honor”

The Elders of Cornerstone Church are excited to announce that we will be re-gathering for in-person worship services beginning on June 7th. We understand that some people will choose not to gather in person and others will take precautions as they gather. The Elders sought to strike a balance between people’s differing opinions on when and how to re-gather. For a detailed explanation of the Elder’s thoughts and plan, click the link below. Also, please watch this video from Dave explaining more and encouraging our church toward unity for the sake of the gospel.

May 14

Listening and a Survey

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. - Psalm 16:11

In our time of distance, God’s presence is even more precious. Seek Him each moment!

Many of you are wondering when we will resume in-person worship services. Trust me when I say that we have been praying and planning extensively for that day. Recently, Pastors Dave and Dick attended an expert-led church re-opening webinar, where we learned so much more. The leaders of that webinar encouraged all pastors to “listen, then lead.” And so we have developed a brief survey about the re-opening process that we are asking each Cornerstone family to fill out. The link is below, please take the survey by Wednesday, May 20.

Continue to pray for God’s kingdom to come, on Earth as it is in Heaven!

May 6

Giving Update and Concert of Prayer

Please watch this video by Justin Gibides, an elder at Cornerstone, as he explains Cornerstone’s new online giving and other financial matters.

Also, Concert of Prayer begins at 7:00pm tonight. You are welcome to join early to talk with others before we begin our time of prayer. (We recommend using a laptop or iPad when you join the Concert of Prayer)

April 29

Doing Good To All

Join others from Cornerstone to serve the needy during this time of economic crisis. Beginning Wednesday April 29 (today) through May 15 Cornerstone will be collecting items to donate to the Daily Bread Food Pantry. Please click the button below to see the list of needed items.

April 15

Resource for Honoring Christ Online

As we all continue under stay-at-home orders and children are doing their school work online, it becomes even more important to consider how Christians are called by God to honor him with every area of our lives, including how we use the internet. Please watch our mid-week update where Aria implores us all to consider accountability for how we use the internet. More information on our suggested resource, Covenant Eyes, can be found by clicking the link below.

April 8

Easter Week Update

Please watch this brief update video with information about Easter week.

The Tenebrae (Good Friday) Service link will be active Friday morning.

Also check out these helpful resources for kids during Easter week.

March 31

April Sunday Services, Concert of Prayer, & More

Please watch this brief update video with information about Concert of Prayer, Sunday Services in April, and more.

Concert of Prayer will begin at 7:00pm Wednesday, April 1. You are welcome to join early to talk with others before we begin our time of prayer. (We recommend using a laptop or iPad when you join the Concert of Prayer)

March 25

Discipleship at Home and March 29 Update

As our time apart continues, please watch this update about this coming Sunday morning. This update also contains information on how Cornerstone is equipping individuals and families to continue discipleship at home. Check out the downloadable material below.

March 18

Midweek Update

During our time of national emergency, Christians need to think biblically and with clarity. However, this can be difficult when there are so many voices. In the video below, Pastor Dave addresses how Cornerstone will continue our mission to “Glorify God by Making Disciples.” Dave will give us guidance in knowing how to be the church and how church life will continue during our time of separation from one another.

Since we are unable to meet physically this Sunday, a link to our church’s Sunday livestream will be on this page sometime this weekend so you are prepared to join us at 10:30am Sunday morning.

Please continue to check this page for all updates regarding Cornerstone’s church life during COVID-19.

March 15 - 5:20pm

Caring for the Body of Christ

Cornerstone Family,

Over the past week we have heard from many government officials and healthcare professionals about the greater risk COVID-19 poses to the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. For this reason, many are choosing to avoid crowds. However, this has not stopped our church from continuing to serve one another as the body of Christ. Galatians 6:2 says:

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

At Cornerstone, we desire to bear one another’s burdens at all times but especially in this time of emergency.

We know that some in our congregation are concerned about going to public places, like grocery stores, due to their health or age. We are thankful that many in our congregation have family who are willing to go to the store for them but know that some must go on their own.

In order to bear this extra burden, the deacons of Cornerstone are coordinating grocery store runs for people who do not feel comfortable going themselves and who do not have a friend or family member who can do it for them.

If you are a person who is in this higher risk category and you do not have someone who can go to the grocery store for you, we would love to serve you by having someone from our congregation make the trip for you. All you need to do is fill out the form next to this post with your information and a list of groceries needed. A deacon or deaconess will connect you with a person from our congregation after that.

We also need people who are willing to make grocery trips for others in our congregation. If you are willing to serve others in our church this way, please click the button below to email the deacons about your willingness to help.

Thank you all for being the body of Christ and fulfilling the law of Christ by bearing one another’s burdens.

Cornerstone Elders and Deacons

Form to Request Grocery Help

March 15 - 8:30am

Sunday Sermon and Mid-week Ministry Update

Cornerstone Family,

As we continue to watch the unfolding state of emergency over the global outbreak of COVID-19, I am encouraged to see communities working together. In these quickly changing times, I am reminded of 1 Chronicles 16:31:

“Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; And let them say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns.’”

Indeed, the Lord does truly reign. Over every atom, molecule, and cell, our God has sovereign dominion. While we seek to use wisdom in responding to such an event, our foundation is not shaken for our God is immovable. I pray that you experience and demonstrate the peace of Christ in the midst of this emergency. Indeed, our God is not shaken.

To keep you informed about our continuing response to COVID-19, you will find a list of rescheduled events below. All other mid-week events have been cancelled this week as we continue to love our neighbor by protecting their health.

  • Rescheduled (Dates Forthcoming)

    • Greece Interest Meeting

    • Partner’s in Children's Ministry Breakfast

    • Women’s Bunco Night

In addition to these updates, we’d encourage you to spend time this Lord’s day in prayer, song, and hearing of his word. To help you in this, we have recorded what would have been today’s sermon. You can find that recording below this message.

I will miss you all today, but I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Aria Mavvaji, on behalf of the elders and ministry leaders

March 13

All events are cancelled for Sunday, 3/15.

Dear Cornerstone family,

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." - Philippians 4:6

May we – who are in Christ – find our great security in Him, no matter the moment. Like most of you, we have been closely monitoring the news regarding the COVID-19. Earlier in the week, many of us believed that gathering together for worship would be fine, as long as we were taking some extra measures to be safe. But as the week went on, it became clear that our county – the one God has called us to love and serve – was in a unique situation at the epicenter of the issue in our State. Our government officials and health experts, on Thursday, pleaded with our county to link arms – specifically for 2 weeks – to help mitigate the spread of this disease. Every other public gathering – sporting events, gyms, concerts, schools, etc, are linking arms in this effort for the common good.

Had the government recommend something longer than 2 weeks, our discussion might be different, because we cannot forsake meeting together (Hebrews 10:24-25). And even in the face of the 2-week recommendation, we have decided to call this week by week, and have only cancelled all events this Sunday (3/15).

I encourage you all to enter a deep time of prayer for our region, and for revival in hearts.

Sometimes our fear comes from the enemy. Sometimes our fear comes from misunderstanding. For an excellent article that puts this whole thing in perspective, I recommend reading this article.

Please check the website regularly for any new updates. Please also call any Elder for counsel, prayer, or questions.

May God guide us and be glorified in us as we seek His face in all of this.

Pastor Dave, on behalf of the elders